Alyssa and I just had a few friends over for a homeschool holiday cookie swap party. For the first time in awhile Alyssa was happy (and giddy) after the event. This year has been challenging. We started the homeschool adventure, I continued to bake and decorate cookies, redid my salon (after having a pipe burst), set up Matthew to have a successful year in fourth grade, and continued to work with Ellington Unified. To say I sleep well at night would be putting it mild. Usually I hit the pillow and I'm out cold. I still have days when I am completely physically drained post transplant. Thank goodness, I love coffee! Just like I did seven years ago, I try to take each and every day one minute, one hour, one day at a time. A lot of times people will comment that I'm crazy cramming so much into each and every day. I just smile and respond, I almost lost it all. So for as long as I can I'll help m
y kids, continue to bake, and keep cramming everything I love into each and every day!!! Have a fantastic Holiday Season. I'm already thinking ahead on Valentine Cookie Class ideas !!